• Team & Contact

Dr. Martin Reimer

Managing Director

Tel: +49 9131 9 16 17-50
/ +49 1520 6 12 43 06
E-Mail: martin.reimer@medical-valley-solutions.de

As expert for technology transfer and innovative environments with more than 10 years professional experience Martin started to work 2017 as Head of Business Development for Medical Valley Solutions GmbH to support medtech companies to get access to international healthcare markets and to raise venture capital. In his function as CEO of Medical Valley Solutions Martin is responsible for customer acquisition and relationship, VC fundraising and market access consulting.

Marco Wendel

Managing Director

Tel: +49 176 32073960
E-Mail: marco.wendel@medical-valley-solutions.de

Marco has more than 15 years professional experience in the medtech sector. He started his professional career at Medical Valley EMN e.V. as project manager for innovation management and market access support projects for medtech companies, now beeing its CFO/COO. Between 2018 and 2022 he was CEO of Medical Valley Digital Health Application Center GmbH, a digital CRO that supports manufacturers of digital health applications within the DiGA application process in Germany, especially in generating evidence for their products. In 2023 Marco joined Medical Valley Solutions GmbH as market access specialist.


Senior Consultant / Business Development

Tel: +49 9131 91617 99
/ +49 176 55 262 773
E-Mail: korbinian.koeppl@medical-valley-solutions.de

Korbinian did his Master’s in International Business at the EAE Business School Barcelona, Spain, with a specialization in Corporate Finance. He joined Medical Valley Solutions in 2020 and supports MedTech and Digital Health companies to get access to international markets. As a senior business development consultant, he is responsible for initial market analyses, evaluation & creation of business concepts, capital acquisition as well as interim management & sales.

Jonas Friedrich

Senior Consultant / Business Analyst

Jonas did his M.Sc. in economics at the University of Bamberg, where he specialized in Healthcare Management, Innovation Management and Marketing. Since joining Medical Valley in 2020 he is coordinating the organization of a European funding project at EIT Health with a pan-European team. Further he is responsible for Market Access projects on the German market with international companies in Digital Health and Medtech.

Jörg Trinkwalter

Shareholder and Advisor Medical Valley GmbH, Managing Partner TBrace GmbH & nice!innovations GmbH

Jörg is shareholder and advisor of Medical Valley Solutions and managing partner of nice!innovations GmbH and TBrace GmbH. With more than 15 years of experience in the field of start-up consulting, he is considered an absolute expert in the field of capital acquisition and business development.

Sibylle Förster


Tel: +49 9131-91617-0
E-Mail: sibylle.foerster@medical-valley-emn.de